Site Trunking Event – Sunday 11/27/16

The COIRS south simulcast went into site trunking today at approximately 10:25. The problem is with site connectivity involving XO Communications leased lines. XO reports they have a wide area outage affecting multiple customers. At this time, they do not have an ETA on resolution. All users of the south simulcast should switch to their “2” talkgroups to operate in site trunking.

A full service notice will be posted.

Dublin Key Staff Radios

Key Staff TemplateStarting Monday 11/14, we will begin reprogramming the XTS-2500 radios that city staff have, with the exception of police.

These radios are mostly in use by crew leaders and supervisors/management staff.

If someone has one of these radios, they can drop them off on Monday at the service center between the hours of 1000-1400 or Tuesday and Wednesday between the hours of 1000-1400 at NRECC.

Information and updates will be found here.

Key Staff Template