April 19, 2024 Governing Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda

April 19, 2024, 0930

City of Dublin Justice Center, Main Conference Room

6565 Commerce Court, Dublin, Ohio 43017

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the minutes from January 19, 2024, meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Review of Financial Statement
    2. Review of Julian & Grube and Plattenburg Reports
  4. Technical Committee Report
  5. Old Business
    1. Update regarding Huntley Rd. ground lease with Worthington
  6. Secretary’s Report
  7. Good of the Order

Next Meeting: Friday, July 19, 2024 at 0930

COIRS Governing Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda – 11/3/2023 1 p.m.

City of Dublin Justice Center – 6565 Commerce Court, Dublin, Ohio 43017

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the minutes from July 28, 2023 meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Review of Financial Statement
    2. Treasurer Replacement
  4. Technical Committee Report
  5. New Business
    1. Resolution 2023-XX 2024 Operating Budget
  6. Secretary’s Report
    1. 2024 Meeting Dates
  7. Good of the Order

Next Meeting: TBD

COIRS Governing Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Friday, July 28, 2023 @ 9:30 am

City of Dublin Justice Center

6565 Commerce Pkwy, Dublin, Ohio 43017

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the minutes from February 21, 2023
  3. Resignation of Board Secretary Patrick Brandt
  4. Nomination and appointment of Secretary position
  5. COIRS historical overview
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Review of financial statement
    2. Review of 2022 Audit Report
    3. Preliminary budget discussion
  7. Technical Committee Report
  8. New Business
    1. Renewal of insurance policy in accordance with the budget.
    2. Update on advanced authentication
    3. Designation of alternates
    4. Colocation at Huntley Road
  9. Good of the Order

Next Meeting:

Friday, November 3, at 1:00 pm

Network Maintenance – Huntley Road

On the morning of Thursday February 25th between 00:01 and 06:00, Verizon will be performing network maintenance on the circuit that serves the Huntley Road tower site. Users can expect as many as three outages lasting between 15-30 minutes taking the Huntley site out of service. Users will notice diminished in-building walkie coverage in and around the Worthington area. There may be a short period of site trunking as well.

System roaming should not be affected, with other area towers remaining in service and covering this area. Impact to the users should be minimal.

For any questions, please contact Jay Somerville.

Huntley Tower Outage

UPDATE: 05/08 @ 16:30
The repair work is complete and the Huntley Road site is back on the air. _____________________________________________________

UPDATE: 05/08 @ 14:30
AT&T is working to repair the data line that was pulled down, causing the outage. Restoration time is expected to be no later than 20:00 tonight. ________________________________________________________

The Huntley Road tower site is currently off line due to a failure in connectivity. The provider has been notified and is working on a repair. A message will be sent when the site is back in full service.