COIRS Records Commission Meeting Board City of Dublin Police Department 6565 Commerce Parkway Dublin, Ohio Meeting Agenda Friday April 29, 2022 @ 8:30am 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Approval of the minutes from December 13, 2021 meeting 3. Review RC-2 Documents 4. Other Business 5. Adjourn Posted: April 26, 2022 Any questions contact: Patrick Brandt 740.833.2057 or
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COIRS Board Meeting – April 29th 0930
COIRS Governing Board City of Dublin Police Department 6565 Commerce Parkway Dublin, Ohio Meeting Agenda Friday April 29, 2022 @ 9:30am 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Approval of the minutes from the January 21, 2022 meeting 3. Treasurer’s Report a. First Quarter Financial Statement b. 2022 Invoices c. Resolution 2022-04: Supplemental Appropriations 4. Huntley Tower Site a. Land and Dish Network Agreements 5. Technical Committee Report 6. Secretary’s Report 7. Good of the Order Posted: April 26, 2022 Any questions contact: Patrick Brandt 740.833.2057 or
COIRS Board Meeting
The COIRS Board Meeting Notice
January 21, 2022, at 9:30 am
Dublin Justice Center – 6565 Commerce Parkway Dublin, OH 43017.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Election of Officers
3. Treasurer's Report
a. 2022-01: Julian & Grube - Preparation of annual financial audit
b. 2022-02: Plattenburg and Associates, 5-year Audit
c. 2022-03: Suspending General Fund Balance Policy for 2022
4. Technical Committee Report
a. Hard Road Tower
b. System Performance Reports
c. Dish Network
5. Good of the Order
Any questions, please contact Patrick Brandt at 740.833.2057 or
CORIS Board Meeting
The COIRS Board Meeting Notice
December 22, 2021, at 10 am
Dublin Justice Center – 6565 Commerce Parkway Dublin, OH 43017.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Resolution 2021‐09: Public Records Policy
3. Resolution 2021‐10: Public Records Retention Schedule
4. Legal Services
5. Technical Committee Report
a. Hard Road Tower – Tower Top Amplifier
6. Good of the Order
Any questions, please contact Patrick Brandt at 740.833.2057 or
NEXT MEETING: January 21, 2022 @ 09:30am
Hard Road Tower Site – December 20th
Monday, December 20th at 1030, the Hard Road tower site will be off-line for maintenance. The work is expected to last two hours. Users in Dublin and along Riverside Drive will experience degraded walkie coverage, especially in medium to high-density buildings in that immediate area. The backup talk-groups of COIRSLE and COIRSFD on the MARCS system will be available and monitored for backup communication if needed.
A full-service message will be sent when the work is complete.
Record Retention Commission Meeting – December 13, 2021
COIRS Records Retention Commission Meeting will be held on December 13, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Dublin Justice Center 6565 Commerce Parkway, Dublin, Ohio 43017.
- Call to Order
- Motion to adopt a public records policy
- Motion to adopt a public records retention schedule
For any questions, please contact Patrick Brandt at 740.833.2057.
Network Maintenance – Huntley Road
On the morning of Thursday February 25th between 00:01 and 06:00, Verizon will be performing network maintenance on the circuit that serves the Huntley Road tower site. Users can expect as many as three outages lasting between 15-30 minutes taking the Huntley site out of service. Users will notice diminished in-building walkie coverage in and around the Worthington area. There may be a short period of site trunking as well.
System roaming should not be affected, with other area towers remaining in service and covering this area. Impact to the users should be minimal.
For any questions, please contact Jay Somerville.
January 22nd Governing Board Meeting
The next COIRS Governing Board meeting, set for January 22nd, will be a virtual meeting, held via WEBEX and call in teleconference. In accordance with Ohio’s open meetings law, the board will accept public comment and questions during the meeting. Please contact Board Secretary Jay Somerville for an access code & instructions on how to join the meeting.
October 2020 Meeting – Location Change
The next meeting of the COIRS Governing Board set for Friday October 16th has been moved to the Dublin Justice Center – 6565 Commerce Parkway in Dublin. This move is due to renovation work taking place at Worthington PD. CLICK HERE for a copy of the meeting agenda….
July 17th Governing Board Meeting
The next COIRS Governing Board meeting, set for July 17th, will be a virtual meeting, held via WEBEX and call in teleconference. In accordance with Ohio’s open meetings law, the board will accept public comment and questions during the meeting. Please contact Board Secretary Jay Somerville for an access code & instructions on how to join the meeting.