Cut-Over Set for Dec 9th

On Tuesday 12/09 starting at 8am, the upgrade of the COIRS radio system will begin and is expected to last approximately 36 hours. We are upgrading the system to version 7.14 and moving it to the latest IP technology.

A detailed plan for the cut-over will be provided this coming Friday, but here is a preview.

For responders, most of the transition will be transparent. Radios DO NOT need to be touched or reprogrammed. All of the talk-groups will remain the same. There will be three primary impacts:

  1. Channels will be converted in two groups. During the conversion, only half of the normal talk-paths will be available so busy signals will be probable. Keeping unnecessary radio traffic to a minimum during this period will help greatly.
  2. The Hard Road tower site will be off line for several days before and during the conversion to accommodate hardware and connectivity upgrades specific to that site. Walkie coverage along the river corridor will be affected.
  3. Roaming between the Dub/Wor/Hill side of the system and the Delaware side of the system will be restricted. This may cause minor coverage problems in some of the border areas.

For dispatchers, console cutover impacts are:

  1. Consoles will be cut over in groups. There will be a period of time when dispatchers will be operating on back up radios/control stations. Motorola will make every attempt to bring half of the new MCC7500 consoles up on the new system as soon as the first group of channels is converted. During this conversion, walkies/control stations will need to be used. ‘
  2. For high risk incidents where radio traffic is critical, be prepared to use the EMERGENCY feature on the consoles to hold the frequency. This will keep users at the incident from getting busy signals and ensure resources are available.
  3. Be prepared to move to back up systems if needed (MARCS/COLS)

We will be meeting with Motorola on Wednesday to review the final cut-over plan. Once that plan is final, a detailed description will be sent. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jay Somerville or Patrick Brandt.


7x Upgrade Status Report

The network connectivity for the new 7x upgrade was completed to the primary sites was completed and passed testing earlier this month. An upgrade cutover date has been set for Tuesday December 9th. A detailed schedule for the cut over will be provided by December 5th. Access to the system will remain available during the cutover with the exception of console connectivity.

The transition of the Hard Road site will take place starting December 3rd when that site will be taken off line to allow for fiber upgrades and the addition of the new hardware. The installation of the Hilliard Darby site is still pending final design and construction by our partners at Verizon.

If you have any questions about the upgrade, please contact Patrick Brandt or Jay Somerville.

Meeting Notice

  • Official Meeting Notice
    Friday October 24, 2014 at 9:30am
    Worthington Division of Police Headquarters
    6665 Worthington-Galena Road
    Worthington, Ohio 43085

The Governing Board of the Central Ohio Interoperable Radio System, a council of governments, will hold their quarterly meeting at the above date, time and location. The meeting is open to all interested parties wishing to attend.

A meeting agenda will be posted on the COIRS website at least three days prior to the meeting. The URL for this web site is

If you have any questions, please contact:

School Radios Installed in Hilliard

misToday, B&C Communications is completing the installation of emergency school radios at each of the Hilliard City Schools. These radios, often referred to as “MARCS in Schools” were installed in the office of each school to enhance security and provide a direct line of communication in the event of an active violence incident at the facility. These radios, which are among the first on the COIRS network, will be monitored by the Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center. A protocol that includes an immediate and large scale response by both Police and Fire/EMS has been developed and implemented.

CLICK HERE to see previous news coverage from 10TV about the program.


Generator Repairs – Huntley Road

On Friday September 19th, Buckeye Power Systems performed repairs to the generator at the Huntley Road tower site. During a routine preventative maintenance check in August, technicians with BPS identified a coolant leak as the result of a bad seal. BPS performed emergency repairs, but recommended the unit be taken apart and resealed. Technicians performed that work on Friday and the unit is back in full service.

The very next day, there was an AEP transformer problem along Huntley Road which required the site to go on generator power for approximately an hour. The system performed as designed and users experienced no down time.


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Huntley Road Tower Update

XO dispatched AT&T to investigate the problem. When we arrived to meet AT&T we discovered that the T1 line was yet again struck by a vehicle on the Quick Crete lot and was torn down. AT&T will again restring the line and attempt to get it high enough so as not to be struck. The site should be back in service within the next two hours. A full service message will be posted when the work is complete.
