The daytime strobe light on the Huntley Rd tower has been repaired. The site is back in full service and an updated NAM report was filed with the FAA.
Month: June 2014
Huntley Tower Struck by Lightning
During the early morning of June 19th as storms rolled through the area, lightning struck the Huntley Road tower site (reg#1268153). Although there was no damage to the radio equipment, it appears the tower beacon control system was damaged and the day time strobe light is not functioning. The tower beacons were placed into night mode (which was unaffected) and will remain that way until TriCounty Tower Service can make repairs early next week.
A “Notice to Airmen” was filed with the FAA under ticket #06020ZZ. A full service message will be sent when the work is complete.
Huntley Tower Restored
The Huntley tower site was placed back on line at approximately 16:30 today after XO Communications replaced the T1 line that provides connectivity to the site. The system is back in full service.
Hilliard Go Live Set for Wednesday
Hilliard Police are set to go live on the COIRS radio system for their primary operations starting Wednesday 06/11 @ 07:00. Patrol officers will begin using the new talk-groups for all operations. A copy of the new HPD template is located HERE.
The HPD talk-groups on the Columbus System will remain active for back up purposes and as an alternate communications method in the event of coverage problems until the new Hilliard tower is in service.
Congratulations to HPD and welcome to the system!
Huntley Road Tower Site Outage
The T1 line that serves as the connectivity for the Huntley Road tower has been stuck by a work truck taking this site out of service. The radio system remains up and running with the exception of the Huntley Tower.
Users in the Worthington area will experience diminished walkie coverage when operating in buildings until repaired. XO Communications has been notified of the outage and is dispatching a crew for repair.
If you have any questions about this outage, please contact Jay Somerville.
Site Under Construction
Welcome to the home of the Central Ohio Interoperable Radio System. Our new site is currently under construction. Check back often for updates.