Network Maintenance Alert – Sept 13th

XO Communications has notified COIRS that they will be performing critical network maintenance on the circuits that support our radio system on Wednesday 09/13 between 00:01 and 06:00. There will be multiple connectivity interruptions of up to 1 to 2 hours during this time frame that will cause the system to go into site trunking.

Dispatchers will need to be ready to use back up radios/walkies during this outage. Although the consoles will remain connected, they will not be usable on COIRS talk-groups during site trunking & walkies must be used.

Field units will receive the “SITE TRUNKING” notice on their radios, but can continue to operate on their normal talk-groups. System roaming will be turned off during this time so that units won’t get separated onto the Delaware side of the system. Delaware County users will not be affected during this outage.

If you have any questions/concerns about the outages, please contact Jay Somerville

Governing Board – Special Meeting Called

The COIRS Governing Board will hold a special meeting via teleconference on Friday June 16, 2017 at 3pm. The purpose of the meeting is to consider resolutions related to the addition of the City of Upper Arlington to the Council of Governments and a resolution to fill the vacancy in the position of Treasurer.

For information on how to call in to the teleconference, please contact Board Secretary Jay Somerville.

Post Migration

Post migration is coming along. Trying to stay true to our word, we have two XTS-5000 radios programmed and ready to be picked up at NRECC by each department. You can stop in anytime today or tomorrow to get them.

Please play with the radio as much as possible and give us the feedback on it. As you get feedback, please send it to us so we can troubleshoot issues and get them corrected, don’t wait till the end.

We will expect your feedback and the radios back on Friday 2/10/17.

We have locked on our programming schedule and here is what we have set up.

2/13 & 2/14 – Washington Fire

2/15 & 2/16 – Norwich Fire

2/17 – Catch up any radios that are missed

2/20 & 2/21 – Worthington Fire

2/22 & 2/23 – Pleasant Valley Fire

2/24 – Catch up any radios missed


Version 8 Template UPDATED


Site Trunking Event – Sunday 11/27/16

The COIRS south simulcast went into site trunking today at approximately 10:25. The problem is with site connectivity involving XO Communications leased lines. XO reports they have a wide area outage affecting multiple customers. At this time, they do not have an ETA on resolution. All users of the south simulcast should switch to their “2” talkgroups to operate in site trunking.

A full service notice will be posted.

Dublin Key Staff Radios

Key Staff TemplateStarting Monday 11/14, we will begin reprogramming the XTS-2500 radios that city staff have, with the exception of police.

These radios are mostly in use by crew leaders and supervisors/management staff.

If someone has one of these radios, they can drop them off on Monday at the service center between the hours of 1000-1400 or Tuesday and Wednesday between the hours of 1000-1400 at NRECC.

Information and updates will be found here.

Key Staff Template

Post Migration

On Monday 10/24, a meeting was held at NRECC to discuss the post migration template.

Present were Paul Richmond and Kris Harris (NRECC), Captain Pat Mulligan (Worthington Fire), Chief Mark Kidd (Pleasant Valley Fire) and Lieutenant George Sorge (NTFD). Lieutenant Kevan Redman (WTFD) was away at a meeting.

A tentative template was agreed on that will serve all agencies.

Columbus Fire went back to the drawing board and made revisions to their template, which is the base for ours. Our standardized template will be posted later this week when the Columbus fire revisions are included.

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Richmond.